Service We Provide
Our Main Services

Ambulance Service

Nursing Home
Coming Soon

First Aid Standby

Ambulance Service
The large fleet of ambulances is also used in the provision of non-emergency transport service, transferring patients with limited mobility and/or requiring care during the journey to every part of the country.
Nursing Home
Nursing home services provide long-term care for individuals who require assistance with their daily activities due to physical or cognitive limitations. These facilities are designed to cater to the needs of elderly individuals, as well as those with chronic illnesses or disabilities.

First Aid Standby
SJAM volunteers attend thousands of events across the country every year, covering a variety of public events such as marathons and other sporting events, parades, public gatherings, and concerts, providing first aid to the sick and injured. Such service is provided free at the point of delivery, although a charge may be levied on the event organiser for attendance at commercial events. The provision of services during public duties are not limited to first aid; ambulances are provided in most events for rapid transportation. Where necessary, SJAM may also provide healthcare professionals to provide assistance at mobile treatment centres.
SJAM has also successfully experimented the use of motorcycles and bicycles to maximise on efficiency and effectiveness during public duties involving a larger area of coverage.
SJAM volunteers have acted professionally and neutrally, and provided relief without any distinction of race, class, colour or creed.